#37, #memories: 2014, Award Worldstar for Packaging

Ein Jahr später konnten wir am 13. Mai 2014 noch einmal jubeln. Diesmal überzeugten wir die Jury mit unserer aus 100% Karton verwirklichten Verpackung «Montagehilfe für Glasfaserkabel»:
« A simple Hinged-Lid Box became, with just a few modifications, a huge cost-saver. After adopting this clever packaging, damages of the expensive optical fibre cables caused by wrong handling during transportation and installation, could be drastically reduced. A protective box, inserted coil and a clever mechanism are the reasons therefore. On the building site, the cable-assembly can be installed without further handling. The installer directly uncoils the cable out of the recyclable packaging where needed. »

#37, 13.05.2019