#36, #memories: 2013, Award Worldstar for Packaging
Heute vor 6 Jahren (09. Mai 2013) konnten wir uns über unseren ersten Worldstar of Packaging freuen. Mit der Hopper Box konnten wir damals die Jury in Sydney, Australien, überzeugen:
« The Hopper-Box for Chocolates is absolutely unique. This kind of a clever packaging was never seen before, which is one of the reasons, why it won the European Pro Carton Award and the German Packaging Award. The re-sealable, pocket sized box for Premium Chocolate tablets fits in every handbag without leaving any crumbs. The special folded paper insert holds the tabs in place, keeps them apart from each other and protects them against mechanical damage. “Less is more “, the graphic design is straight forward. »
#36, 09.05.2019